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Not a Shop!? You can use “Conveni” As…

Hello! I am confidently introduce you 5 different services other than selling goods. They definitely become a great support when you are traveling in Japan. Let's have a look into awesome use of Japanese culture, "Conveni"♡


Japanese Convenience Store is not a mere Shop. It is Real "Convenient"♡

I have been to many countries as a trip. And all of the places I've been was amazing, such as the US, Korea, China, Taiwan, Australia, and European countries...
And I thought, what was the biggest difference that Japanese people can be proud of.
Then, Japanese convenience stores are came up on my mind!
Let me present many kinds of handy use of Japanese convenience stores.



The Nearest Bank with Multiple Languages



Almost all the Japanese convenience stores have ATM.
Of course, you can use Japanese bank cards, electric smart cards, credit cards(such as VISA, master, JCB, American Express etc.).
ATM has security camera, voice support system, security button, and mirror to guarantee your security.

スクリーンショット 2015-08-15 17.29.45


In addition, you are able to change language according to your country.
They have English, Chinese(simplified), Korean, Portuguese and Japanese today.
And there will be new 7 languages, such as Chinese(unsimplified) , Thai, Malaysian, Indonesian, Vietnamese, French, German to welcome more people from overseas from December 2015!

The Fastest Post Office You can Find♡



There are posts at convenience stores.
Have you ever experienced writing post cards to your family while you are on a trip, but could not find post office?
Because I have. There are only 2 or 3 post office in one area in Japan.
I assume it is hard to find one, especially tourists like you..
But no worries! Convenience store has red posts, and sells stamp too!

In addition, some convenience stores, such as Lawson and Mini-stop, can charge of a bulky passage too!

Let's Book a Ticket to Go Disney Resort, Ghibli Museum, Aquarium!!



There are ticket print machine at convenience stores.
I often use them when I buy tickets for Disney land, museums, movies, music live events..
There are some places, such as Ghibli Museum in Mitaka, where you have to buy tickets at convenience stores in advance.

Whew! You made it!



The most importantly, bathrooms are the necessary facility for us!haha
But public bathroom are not many in Japan.
All you have to do is find convenience store, inform the clerk that you want to use, and rush into it!

Got Lost? No Wi-fi? Then Go To "Conveni"



It makes you nervous when you do not have wi-fi on your phone, and get lost in middle of Tokyo.
Do not worry.Every convenience stores has map with them.
Moreover, people working at convenience stores must be familiar to that place.
I don't know if they can speak languages, but they will be happy to teach your wall to the destination by smattering English.


I hope you can make the most of Japanese convenience stores on your trip
Convenience store is not a shop with variety of goods, but full of helpful services.
Please enjoy Japanese culture, "Conveni" with ease♡

