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Harajuku Omotesando Genki Festival Super Yosakoi Report

I had an opportunity to visit Harajuku-Omotesando Super Yosakoi 2015 on August 29th! Regardless of bad weather, there were so many people watching joyful, colorful and energetic Yosakoi dance performances by 100 teams from all over Japan!


Cheer Up! Feel Japan with Yosakoi Dancing!


Today, August 29th 2015, is a big day for Harajuku and Omotesando.
There are over 100 teams from all over Japan, and 850,000 visitors to see Yosakoi performance in this area.

This event started 2000, and becoming larger event every year.
To begin with, let me tell you about what Yosakoi dancing is.


The origin of Yosakoi dancing is back to 1600s, in Kouchi prefecture.
The term "Yosakoi" comes from "Yorusarikoi" (Come at Night time) in Japanese.
Then, "Yosakoi" became as a call of festival at night time.


What "Yosakoi" made popular is its flexibility to arrange costumes, music, and choreography.
Indeed, there are no same dancing at this Yosakoi festival.

Since Kouchi prefecture, which locates in Shikoku (south west of Japan), there are a lot of teams from there.
Most of all the performers are amateur dancers, anyone can apply for competition regardless of gender, age, and back ground.


Every teams had great passion, cheer and some of fun into their dancing.
This group, "au", choreographed their dancing inspired by famous Japanese mobile commercial.
There were famous characters from Japanese old tales, and they had short play too.

Regardless of rainy weather, there were heaps of people standing and watching their performance with an umbrella.
Of course, people from overseas were watching and taking pictures enthusiastically.

This Super Yosakoi will be an additional great memory in Tokyo, and it's all free!
Don't miss a great opportunity to come in touch to Japanese culture♡

>yosakoi festival details

